Main Features

(One Time)

Server Requirements
- Ioncube V5 and Higher.
- Php 5.6 and Higher.
- Apache Mod_Rewrite
Linux / cPanel Recommended.

Mobile compatible (Resonsive) theme with latest generation Html5, Css, JavaScript infrastructure
Advanced administration panel where you will make all website settings
Possibility to make all Modules Active/Passive in the management panel
SEO friendly system with advanced search engine settings
Ability to change all site visual settings from the panel without the need for code knowledge
Advanced slider management
Possibility of mass product update with one click
Advanced product management
Advanced category management with Push-to-Go feature
Advanced Brand management
Advanced Product features and Variant management has never been easier
Advanced Ticket (Support) System
Advanced Order management system
Paytr and Iyzico Virtual posts
Advanced bank accounts module
Ability to download, move or edit and re-upload all products and categories as xml
Advanced Cargo Tracking Module
Advanced page management
Advanced Blog management
Advanced FAQ management
Ability to enter Description, Title, Keywords on all pages
