Furniture Site v4

HomepageSoftware ServicesCompany ScriptFurniture Site v4

Main Features

(One Time)

Demo Site Demo Admin Buy
Server Requirements
- Ioncube V5 and Higher.
- Php 5.6 and Higher.
- Apache Mod_Rewrite
Linux / cPanel Recommended.

Responsive Mobile Compatible Design. (Flawless look on your Tablets and Phones. (Unlimited Color Options)
- You can manage all areas on the site thanks to the advanced management panel.
- Unlimited Page Adding Editing, Title, Keyword, Description settings
- Add/Edit/Delete Unlimited Teams
- Adding / Editing / Deleting Unlimited Catalogs (UNLIMITED SUB-CATEGORY SYSTEM AVAILABLE)
- Add/Edit/Delete Unlimited Points of Sale
- Unlimited Top Menu Add/Edit/Delete
- Unlimited Footer Menu Add/Edit/Delete
- Adding / Deleting / Editing Unlimited Product Categories
- Adding / Deleting / Editing Unlimited Products
- Add/Delete/Edit Unlimited References
- Admin Panel Notebook Section
- Add/Delete/Edit Unlimited Languages
- E-Newsletter Management
- Theme Color Settings
- Limit settings
- Ability to Edit Mail and Sms Templates
- Ability to Send Bulk Mail
- Ability to send bulk SMS
- You can specify Company Information, Site Title, Keyword and Site Description from the admin panel.
- Contact Page Settings (Adding Google Maps Code)
- Social Media Link Management.
- Quicker indexing on google with Sef Seo Link Structure.
- And many more features.
